In your daily life, sometimes you forget to take a holistic point of view on the situation that surrounds you. Did you know that the ocean absorbs 26% of the global carbon dioxide emissions and that At least half of Earth's oxygen comes from the ocean? In 2020, the emission rates are of 36.44 billion metric tons, six times more since 1950.
Decisions based on money with no concern on water and the population, unawareness, lack of interest and understanding, all those factors and more, create an imbalance of the natural cycle and poisons our systems collectively. Education, raising awareness, research ad collaborative efforts to create innovative solutions are ways we tackle those issues.
At Passion Sea we don't stop at how things are, we go towards how things should be, holistically taking in consideration all the factors to protect your body, your home and your world! Making things right so all can benefit is what it's all about!
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